The term self-concept refers to ones their own perception of their abilities, unique qualities etc. It is changeable as the person grows older his/her self-perceptions become make more organized. It includes beliefs, their own mental picture of themselves, such as I am beautiful, I am hard working, I am strong etc, and therefore naturally a person’s self-concept will have its impact on his personal, social and academic endeavors. In this context the investigator felt to find out the relationship between self-concept and academic achievement of Hearing Impaired students. For the people of the study the investigator identified 83 hearing impaired students and collected the data using a standardized tool developed by Dr. Rajkumar Saraswat. The collected data was analyzed by using appropriate statistical techniques like percentages and Pearson’s Product-Moment method. The results of the study revealed that there is a positive correlation between self-concept and academic achievement of Hearing Impaired students.
[1] Assistant professor, Department of Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam
[2] M.Ed. Student (2013-14), Department of Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam