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pISSN 2320-9305 eISSN 2347-5706
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Abstract This paper introduces the inductive method to English grammar teaching that can help students
Abstract Executives and HR management have always been focused on basic talent management—acquiring, hiring and
Abstract Communicative language teaching is one of the most recent and eclectic language teaching
Abstract Information and computer technology have bought new possibilities in to the classroom and also
Abstract E-Learning driven world is expecting new set of skills to be included in the
Abstract Caregiving refers to providing care to an individual who has an acute or chronic
Abstract “Saleem Sinai, later variously called Snotnose, Stainface, Baldy, Sniffer, Buddha, and even Piece-of-the-Moon” (p.
Abstract In the present study, the investigator has attempted to study the impact of child
Abstract An attempt was made in the present investigation to find out the extent of