This article is an attempt to discuss the impact of neurotransmitters in memory and learning. Chemical messengers sent into the synapse by an electrical charge in the axon, released at synaptic gap to communicate with dendrites of another neuron, impacted heavily by exercise, nutrition and state management tools, levels of the different neurotransmitters have a profound effect on emotion, perception, memory, alertness, and energy (Myhrer T 2003). A number of central neuro-transmitters, which are essential for integrating many functions in the central nervous system (CNS), such as learning, memory, sleep cycle, body movement, hormone regulation and many others. The chemicals in our brain play an enormous role. Too little or too much of these chemicals can make or break their learning experience because of the various effect of the chemicals. There are a lot of various activities or practices a teacher and student can do to enhance these chemicals, and improve classroom expectations.
Keywords: Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine and Memory