Stress is a physical and psychological reaction to issues and events emanating from one’s environment. Most people define stress as worry, tension and pressure, but all stress isn’t bad. Some stress van be happy, exciting and challenging. However, like most things in excess, too much stress is negative. Excessive stress usually develops over a period of time and often goes unnoticed by the individual until a physical or emotional toll has been exacted. Excessive stress can impair mental and physical states causing emotional and social impairment along with performance deterioration. It negatively affects mental abilities and also causes illness. It lowers down the readiness to restructure or find solution to thought problems. It also hampers emotional balance. It can cause phobia, frustration, anxiety, insomnia, etc. It has an adverse effect on body as well as causing numerous health problems like high stress is a state in which demands made on body exceed by the resources. Which it can generate According to Lazraus and Folkman stress is an “imbalance between demands and resources”. It occurs when “pressure exceeds one’s perceived ability to cope”. There are two types of stresses negative stress or distress and positive stress or eustress.
[1] Assistant Professor, Manav Rachna College of Education