Empowerment is an active and multidimensional process which enables women to realize their full identity and powers in all spheres of life. Empowerment of women is very much essential to achieve sustainable development. Education is the first step towards empowerment and the most crucial factor in overall development of the individual as well as Nation. Education is an effective instrument for social and economic development ands National integration. Education enables women to understand their social and legal rights, become economically independent, and acquire a voice in the affairs of the family and the community. Women empowerment is a continuous process to enable women to realize their full power and potential in all spheres of life. The dynamics of this process needs continuous monitoring. In the quest of new design of our living-towards Sustainable development-we need to constantly understand and evaluate transformation in a society and the changes in the status of women in that society. Empowerment of women in the context of knowledge societies requires strengthening the abilities and skills of women so that they gain insight into the issues affecting them and enhance their capacity to voice their concerns. The author in the present paper focuses upon the fact that how education can be used as an effective tool in the holistic empowerment of women. The present paper also attempts to explore and analyze the problems and barriers which are there in the empowerment of women.
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[1] Senior Assistant Professor,Dept. of Education & Training,MANUU, Hyderabad.