
Educational research and development (R&D) is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this process are usually referred to as the R&D cycle, we began to see that developing an educational product was a far more difficult and time consuming task than we had anticipated. Major development work in education requires a large and competent professional staff and significant long-term financial support. Our experience to date indicates that a large amount of money and labor is required to carry a minicourse through the entire development cycle. There are probably very few school districts that have the resources to attempt a development task of this magnitude, it appears at his time that major education development programs should be left to organization such as the regional laboratories and research and development centers, which have the personnel.

                There are a number of ways, though, that the student can participate in the R & D process. The student might define a very limited product to develop, particularly if it does no involve expensive materials and requires no more than an hour or two of instruction. Perhaps more feasible, the student might locate a product that has already been developed and use it in a basic or applied research project. One research problem is whether audiotape feedback is a effective as videotape feedback in training verbal skills. Also, much research is needed to determine the effects of teaching skills on student behaviour. Organizations involved in educational R & D. 1 she finds an organization developing a product in which she is interested, the student might be able to arrange with the organization to use the product in a research project.

[1] +2 Asst. Teacher, +2 High School, Simari, Madhubani, Bihar.

[2] Lecturer, Millat Teachers’ Training College, Madhubani, Bihar.

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