The present study is made an attempt to find Suitable intervention approaches as a beginning to improve the nutritional status profiles of rural scheduled caste and urban slum girls. To see the effect of intervention approaches, a sample of 600 girls (10-15 years) from rural sc and urban slum communities were examined. Five intervention approaches were planned for the period of six months where Group I girls acted as control. The second group of girls were given Tablet supplementation (Group II – TS) and Third Group was given food supplementation (Group III-FS) and fourth Group was counselled with nutrition education (Group IV – NE) and Fifth Group was given a combination of food and nutrition education (Group V-FS+NE) . The haemoglobin, serum iron levels of girls were assessed by using standard techniques. The physical work capacity of the girls was tested by using step-test. All the tests were repeated again after six months to see the effect of intervention. Findings indicate that after the intervention period of six months, all the four groups of girls except control has shown better improvement in Haemoglobin, serum iron levels and also their physical work capacity. Irrespective of the age, group Group V has shown better increments followed by Group II, Group III and Group IV. The decrease in Resting pulse Rate and post exercise pulse rate, significant increase in mean number of steps taken by the girls was probably due to nutrition supplementation.
Keywords: Effect, Intervention, Approaches, Nutritional status, Rural SC and Urban slum girls.
[1] Lecturer,Dept of Home Science ,S.P.W.Degree & P.G College, Tirupati, Chittoor, AP.