This study aimed to investigate the influence of sex variables on academic anxiety behavior between male and female of student sportsperson. To achieve the objectives of the study, an academic anxiety scale was constructed by Dr.A.K.Singh and Dr.A.Sen Gupta. has administered on randomly selected sample, total 60 consisting of male and female students sportsperson,
Collected data was tested by applying’ test and mean score of male and female is 2, 62 and 2,70 respectively and collected ‘t’ value is 0.12 is lesser than table value at 0.5 level significant, study revealed that sex did not played any significant role in eliciting academic anxiety behavior among the sportsperson Furthermore, the results showed that female sports students have shown equal anxiety behavior comparing than their male counterparts. Finally, the results showed that experience of sports participation made significant influence on determine the academic anxiety behavior.
Keywords: Academic anxiety behavior, Sports participation and sex.
[1] Asst Prof, DOS in Physical Education and sports science
[2] Research, scholar DOS in Physical Education and sports science. KSWUniversity, Biajpur