The present study focused on the relationship between Teaching Competency and job satisfaction among Degree College Lectures in Vizianagaram District of Andhra Pradesh, India. The success of any educational program basically depends on the right performance and acceptance of teacher community. This mainly depends on their satisfaction in their profession. The teacher in their present situation is facing various academic and administrative issues. The teachers teaching competency in relation to various professional, administrative, personal and societal aspects are involved with the teacher profession. The aspects of teaching competency and job satisfaction are conceptually independent and practically inter dependent.
The data were collected from the 485 lecturer working in some selected degree colleges in Vizianagaram district by way of two standardized scales constructed and developed by Raju (1994) related to teaching competency scale and Rao (1986) related to teacher job satisfaction scale. The collected data were analyzed by means, Standard Deviations, critical ratios and coefficient of correlation for testing the various hypotheses framed. Later the results were discussed and certain conclusions were drawn. On over all observation of the study some educational implications were given.
Keywords: Teaching competency, Job satisfaction, Professional aspects, Administrative aspects, Personal aspects, Societal aspects, and Teacher profession.