The motto of all Peace building strategies is to create a conflict-less society and individuals who can have access to Justice, equity, equality, and social justice without any bias. The goal of SDG 2020, strongly recommends that peace and security among the people of different religion, nations are possible only by adhering to the truthful path led by practicing the philosophy of sustenance. Sustainable goals help in setting the rules for all to maintain harmony by keeping others as a priority. If everyone loves and cares for other individuals first, then there will be no doubt in the peacemaking process as the tenant of SDG 2030 is “Leave no one behind”. To acquire peace, some sets of skills are needed to handle the situation with gravity. These soft skills can be grit, resiliency, positive adaptability, tolerance, clarity, gratitude, etc. Peace, security, development, human rights protection, and life skills are inextricably linked and mutually reinforcing.
Keywords: Peace building, SDG2030, Life skills, Equity, Social Justice.
[1] Asst.Professor,Clara College of Education.