
This paper aims at providing analysis of the cognitive self- management of the high school students.  The students of 21st century have to empower themselves with the evolving skills to attain success in life.  Cognitive self-management is a recent development of cognitive psychology which focuses on core skills required for a person to manage oneself by adopting cognitive strategies. The study has investigated the cognitive self- management of the high school students in three districts viz., Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari. The sample consists of 1108 ninenth standard students. The researcher has adapted the cognitive self- management test developed by Stephanie Rude (1980). The researcher has modified the items and has established the reliability and validity of the tool. The major findings include that girls are better in systematic problem solving while boys are better in goal setting. There is no significant difference between rural and urban students in their cognitive self- management.  Further there is significant difference with respect to father’s occupation and the role- model of the students.  The paper has outlined the recommendations that have to be implemented by the various stake holders in education to improve the cognitive self- management of the high school students.

Keywords: Cognitive self- management, Cognition, Problem solving skill, Goal setting, Task-efficacy.

[1] Ph.D. Research scholar, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai.

[2] Principal & Research Supervisor, St. Xavier’s College of Education, Palayamkottai.

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