Academic Achievement has always been one of the most important goals of the educational process. It is also a major goal which the youth are expected to pursue in all cultures. Academic achievement is the product variable which gets toned up or bogged down by the positive and negative influence of a host of independent variables. Development of achievement is affected by a number of variables in home, school and society. Home and school plays an important role in the early training of children for the development of attitudes and motives. Parental expectation and guidance to the child, develops need for high achievement in life. The main objectives of the study were to find out whether there is any main & interaction effect of home and school environment, along with background variables such as sex, type of school management, size of family, type of family and ordinal position with each other on academic achievement secondary level students. A sample of 608 students was selected from government, private aided and private unaided schools of Bangalore city, using stratified random sampling proceedure. Home Environment Scale (HES) developed by the researchers, apart from School Environment Inventory (SEI) Dr.Karuna Shankar Mishra were used for collecting data. Data was analysed using t-test, Two-way ANOVA and Zero order correlation. The findings to the study revealed that two-way analysis of variance produced the main and interaction effect for different main and background variables when interacted with each other on academic achievement of students. Among them Home Environment and school Environment does show significant main as well as interaction effect on academic achievement. They were further confirmed through co-efficient of correlation. It is implied that, to be effective, school programs must be individualized to fit the needs of the students. Satisfaction of basic psychological needs, developing in him a sense of prestige, developing emotional rapport might contribute to the individuals’ upliftment in different aspects. There is no one model that has proven effective in building parent involvement in schools. Research documents evidence that programs must be based upon the individualized needs of the families, teachers, students and community members.
Keywords: Academic Achievement, Home Environment and school environment.
[1] Assistant Professor, Allameen College of Education, Bangalore.
[2] Associate Professor, Department of Education, Bangalore University, Bangalore.