Teaching, like other professions, has a developing knowledge base that serves to guide practitioners. Knowledge generated by research is an important component to ensure its quality in various aspects indicating the importance of research in teacher education. Without generating quality outcomes- results of these researches fail to be incorporated in the existing program for its improvement and up gradation in view of various emerging social aspirations. Therefore ‘research in teacher education’ always implies a quality research. Quality research in teacher education has also been selected as the area of focal interest of the present study.Various objectives of quality research program formulated by NCTE have been identified. The study has also investigated an overall trend of existing research in view of a brief review of the related literature. Few major priority areas of research in this field drawing attention of researchers have also been identified, where there is scope of further researches.Major problems of existing research in this field have been diagnosed. Problems namely arbitrariness, lack of resources, over emphasis of some selected area neglecting the other etc. have been pointed out along with their causes. As an effective solution, the study has identified various measures, particularly the strong network among various stakeholders working in the field of teacher education has been emphasized on. Importance of action research program in the field of teacher education has also been recognized.
Keywords: Teacher education, Quality research, Research trends, Priority areas, Quality up gradation.
Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Education, St. Xavier’s College, 30, Park Street, Kolkata, W.B., India