Schools change from a focus on ‘what we know’ to ‘how we come to know’. The main activity in a constructivist classroom is solving problems. Learners use inquiry methods to ask questions, investigate a topic, and use a variety of resources to find solutions and answers. As we live in a fast-moving technological society, the way we tech pupil has to changed. Teachers are the facilitators of learning who show children how and where to access information quickly and efficiently. The use of technology and collaboration in education promotes learners to use higher cognitive skills. So the age of Science and Technology, the teacher should change traditional teacher to techno-constructivist. Professionals who use technology in constructivist ways known as techno-constructivist. In this research article, the author suggests different activities undertaken by techno-constructivist in their classrooms.
Keywords: Technology, Constructivism, Techno-constructivist.
[1] Assistant Professor, Sobha College of Teacher Education, Mararikulam, S.L. Puram P.O., Alappuzha, Kerala.