All educational systems aim to equip man for the fullest benefit of the future generation. Being civilized, there is a genuine demand for promoting value education which helps the educator and the learner to discriminate between right and wrong. Values literally mean something precious, dear and worthwhile and so also there is an element of suffering or sacrifice if it demands so. Generally values are a set of principles or standards of behaviour. According to John Dewey (1948) “value means primarily to prize, to esteem, to appraise and to estimate. It means the act of cherishing something holding it and also the act of passing judgment upon the nature and amounts of value as compared with something else”. The contemporary world witnesses growing violence, terrorism, intense pollution and social and ecological imbalances. As and when peace and prosperity are challenged by evil elements at global level, the younger generation gets themselves puzzled due to uncertainty and chaos. Modern man becomes a slave or a puppet of delicate emotions and passions. In the present scenario, the harmony between the human hearts is found to be widely challenged for unknown reasons. Education at this juncture, plays the most important role since it is the most powerful instrument to modify human behavior and attitude through various strategies. Apart from moulding the character of the learners, educational institutions influence the family, society and the nation as a whole in terms of inculcating human values. It is in this context that education is leading to peace and prosperity across the globe. Hence the need for value education is more in the very process of schooling. Comenius and Locke described value-education as the hub of educational activity.