Self- esteem refers to the subjective judgment that every person makes of his ability to face life’s challenges, to understand and solve problems, and his right to achieve happiness, and be given respect. Self-esteem is an important influential predictor of various outcomes, such as academic achievement and behaviour. According to Branden (1987), self-esteem is the sum of self-confidence and self respect. Subjective experiences in a person’s life are chief contributors in self- esteem development. The good and bad life experiences create attitudes toward the self which can be favorable and develop positive feelings of self-worth; otherwise same can be unfavorable and develop negative feelings of self-worth. In the initial years of a child’s life, parents cause the most significant influence on the self- esteem and remain the chief source of positive and/or negative experiences a child will have. Low self-esteem in adolescence and young adulthood is a risk factor for negative outcomes in important life domains. Keywords: Self-esteem, Self-concept, Role of education, Positive self-esteem, Creativity.