Abstract India is the seventh largest country in terms of area and second in terms of population. It has been described as a melting pot of races and tribes by many of the anthropologist and researchers, due to its multi-cultural and racial characters the tribal population constitutes 8% of the total population spread over the country.Tribes were the early settlers. As a matter of fact they have escaped from total obliteration, though they had to surrender before the Dravidians, Indo-Aryans and Mangolians. These marginalized tribes could not challenge and fight against the invaders who were more powerful in number and other socio-cultural aspects. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the need of ethnic language as the instructional medium in primary level for tribal studies the study reveal that there is contradiction in the language the study also revealed that Post independent period of our Great India we had achieved various types of development i.e., economic, Science & Technology, Space Technology and education. But the medium of instruction at the target group of aboriginals is in an infant stage and the modern concept of education gave due importance to ethnic education. The methodology of this study is qualitative, and secondary data source is used for the collection of information. Keywords: Ethnic, Tribal students.