Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is deemed one of the most effective tools in language learning. Therefore, the current paper will study its impact on the four major skills of English language; namely, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, the paper will investigate MALL’s impact on the process of learning grammar and vocabulary as well. The paper starts by providing a definition for the ‘M-learning’ term taking into consideration the fact that this term is recently introduced and incorporated into the language field of learning and teaching. The researcher evaluates the diverse advantages of MALL such as portability, ubiquity, flexibility, collaboration, and authentic learning. Then the researcher demonstrates with real tangible evidence and case studies conducted across the globe how MALL plays a significant role in helping learners in many aspects in their learning journey. It, for instance, promotes their learning attitude, innovation; reduces their language anxiety, and holds up their interaction, teamwork, and knowledge co-instruction. The researcher then offers a list of the advantages and impacts of MALL on learning the four English language skills urging English language teachers to best utilize this inventive tool of learning that is progressively and ceaselessly developing into the field.

Keywords: M-Learning (Mobile Learning), MALL (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning), Language Skills, Writing, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Vocabulary, Grammar.

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