
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an appreciable impact on public mental health. As a result, continual monitoring of the population’s mental health, particularly during a pandemic, is critical. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing an increase in perceived stress and a decline in social adjustment among teenagers, with more than a third of them reporting mental health issues. The main objectives of the present study is to find out the level of perceived stress, level of social adjustment among adolescents during COVID -19 and to find out the relation between perceived stress and social adjustment among adolescents during COVID -19.

            Normative survey method was used for the present study. The Perceived Stress Scale (Sheldon Cohen in 1983) and the Social Adjustment Scale (Darsana and Dr. S Bindhu in 2014) were utilised in this study, which was done among 100 teenagers using a Google form after receiving written consent from the students. A structured online questionnaire was constructed using Google Form, and the link was spread via email and social media. Statistical approaches were used to analyse all of the data. The proportion and frequency of the results are reported. Results are reported in frequency and percentage. According to the findings of this study, the majority of teenagers have an average level of felt stress, a majority of adolescents have an average level of social adjustment, and a majority of adolescents have an average level of perceived stress. Despite the fact that the correlation coefficient is positive, the link between the variables is insignificant and not significant.

Perceived stress and social adjustment were shown to be present among teenagers in this study. Students did not visit schools during the COVID-19 period, and the whole teaching process was conducted online. Adolescents were experiencing perceived stress and social changes even at home. To reduce teenage morbidity, early evaluation and intervention should be prioritised.

[1]PGT, Dr.GR Public School, Neyyttinkaraa

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