A PILOT STUDY ON GROUP TEST OF INTELLIGENCE By Dr. Jacqueline Kareem and Lal Rem Siami

This pilot study was conducted to meet the pressing need for a group test of Intelligence in English for the pupils’ age group nine to thirteen years using ‘Group Test of Intelligence’ by Dr. Ahuja, P. (1971). Fifty two students were selected for the study and purposive sampling was used. The main objectives of this study is to know the suitability of the tool, to identify the items with low reliability and validity, to determine the easy and difficulty level of each sub-test items and show the item difficulty appropriate for the final test, the data was subjected to various statistical procedures. Cronbach’s alpha of the ninety four items scale was 0.86. The results show that the evidence for reliability and validity of the scale is favourable for the group test of intelligence and can be used for future research. Keywords: Intelligence, English, Item analysis.

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