This paper gives the back ground characteristics of the three sample districts of Kerala. The district Ernakulam was selected first on the basis of its high rank in the low tension (LT) consumption of electricity, the most common form of energy used in the state. The details of electricity consumption were readily available from Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB). Then a district which has a closer consumption to the state average was chosen and it happens to be Palakkad. Next, Wayanad district selected on the basis of its very low usage of electricity. Of the districts selected both Ernakulam and Palakkad are from the central zone of Kerala and Wayanad is from the north zone. This paper will try to unveil the reasons behind circle wise electricity consumption in Kerala.
Keywords: Low Tension, Power Consumption.
[1]Research Scholar, Research Centre. Post Graduate & Research Department of Economics (M.G University), M.A College, Kothamangalam