Education is the knowledge of putting one’s potentials to maximum use. The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of the citizens rests upon the quality of their education, the quality of their education depends upon the quality of teachers. The term ‘attitudes’ has come to be used to refer in a general way to such characteristics of individuals as feelings, interests, appreciations, values, commitments, opinions, beliefs, and value system. The National Science Teachers Association of USA (1988) says that “as a result of science education, the learners should be in the process of developing a personal philosophy based on truth, understanding and logic rather than one based on superstition, intuition or wishful thinking. Attitude towards science can be developed only through personal experience and keen observation in the process of science learning. The use of Blended Learning Approach in higher Education has increased significantly during the past decade. It reflects the changing nature of students’ life with students facing many competing demands in their time and requiring flexibility in learning. The aim of this study was to find out the relationship between Achievement in Physical Science Education through Blended Learning Approach and Attitude towards Science. This study investigates the influence of Achievement in Physical Science Education through Blended Learning Approach on Attitude towards Science. The sample of this study was 135 student teachers based on Matching Technique matching the subjects within the five points of the entry behavior test scores. The investigator used the Blended Learning Approach in delivering multimedia content of physical science education using video conference, CD ROM SIM and Printed SIM to the student teachers in colleges of Education to serve the fast growing educational needs. This study showed that there was high positive relationship between student teachers Achievement in Physical Science Education through Blended Learning Approach and Attitude towards Science. Keywords: Attitude towards science, Blended learning approach, Achievement, Physical science education

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