Now everyone talks about National Education Policy, Nai Talim, Life Education, Compulsory education and many more concepts. The real motto of education is to educate the countrymen and provide them knowledge, information, different skills, etc. A century back well-known American philosopher, John Dewey, was introduced a theory of education, that is ‘Learning by doing’. He rejected a popular theory like, behaviourism, due to its complex nature. Today, modern researchers understand the importance of student’s involvement in teaching learning process so, they come up with the new theory that is Experiential learning which brings out a reformation of the educational system.
The Experiential learning trust that, the best way of learning is to create a practical curriculum which is related to the students’ life and day today experiences. Experiential learning is student-centric learning system, where the students are more motivated and engaged than regular classroom situation. They learn through collaboration and constant critical thinking and reflection on particular topic. Such conscious learning method effect on student’s critical as well as creative thinking. Finally, the conceptualisation from the experience ultimately resulted into a learning success.
Here in this conceptual research paper researcher wants to discuss the ways through which teacher can implement experiential learning to enhance student’s creative thinking.
Keywords: Creative Thinking, Experiential Learning