Constructivism is a comparatively newer approach that asserts a student’s active participation in constructing and defining the knowledge at their own pace. The English language being the language of communication across the globe is also considered to be a language to get opportunities in the form of job and professional growth as well. As a result, in a multilingual country like India, it is very much in demand. Teaching English through traditional methods is unable to produce the desired results. Hence, many innovative methods and approaches to teach English are being used in past few decades. The findings of the present study will pave the path for preparing the youth of the nation to meet the challenges of the rapidly progressing and continuously evolving in the modern world. The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the constructivist pedagogical approach in the teaching of English Grammar. The sample for the study is 40 students from class IX. It was limited to Jabalpur only. The experimental method with pretest and posttest is used for the study. The findings reveled that the communicative pedagogical approach is more effective in the teaching of English grammar.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Constructivist Pedagogical Approach, Teaching of English Grammar
[1] Associate Professor and Head; Education, Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalay, Marhatal, Jabalpur