Constructivists believe that knowledge is the result of individual constructions of reality. It is through one’s active construction, not someone else’s presentation, that the learner comes to comprehend how the world functions. The assumptions are that all individuals are unique and that people’s experiences are consistent with how they mentally view the universe. It might be difficult in some situations to change one’s incorrect viewpoints and points of view.
Mind mapping is a valuable technique for teaching and learning in undergraduate science education. It allows learners to construct their knowledge, making associations easily and aiding in recalling existing memories. By using mind maps, students can better understand complex topics such as genetics.
One of the advantages of mind mapping is that it encourages a brainstorming approach to various tasks. This is particularly helpful for science students who need to think creatively about how different concepts and processes are related. Additionally, mind maps can help students to organize and prioritize their ideas, which is useful when studying for examinations.
This paper focuses on the benefits of using mind maps for teaching and learning for undergraduate students of science. By allowing students to construct their knowledge, make associations easily, and think creatively, mind maps can help students better understand complex scientific concepts.
Keywords: Constructivist method, Science, Education, Mind map, Concept map, Genetics.
[1] Assistant professor, KBN University, Kalburgi, Karnataka.
[2] Principal, Bi Bi Raza Degree College for Women, Kalburgi, Karnataka.